Thursday, November 30, 2017

Peacocks in Spring

Day 30, the last day of the November Asian art painting challenge held at the online OASlife Facebook group. OAS, Oriental Art Supply, is an art supply of traditional Asian calligraphy and related traditional arts material. I just became a member a few weeks before the painting challenge and really didn't know much about the group. I was just attracted to the group because it involved calligraphy and traditional papers and thought I could learn something. Wow, have I learned!

The group members are around 450, not all of course are active, but there were probably 20 or so participating in the November painting challenge and another 20-30 regularly viewing the submissions. People made comments about the type of paper, brush and ink they were using, and since most of the paper was knew to me, I was able to get an idea how different papers worked with different mediums. Well, Xuan/Shuan paper whether single or double I'm still clueless about, as I am about a lot, but the learning curve has been very healthy and I love the group. A very supportive and positive group of people!

So here is my final submission for the painting challenge November 2017.

Peacocks in Spring
M Graham and Marie's watercolors (the Marie's were too pastel when dry so started using M Graham. This particular shikishi board can take the different binders of M Graham without bleeding; other shikishi isn't so forgiving.) Chinese ink for accent and to make the colors pop.

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