Sunday, May 13, 2018

Osprey Watercolor

Reference photo from Pinterest. Osprey painted with Daniel Smith watercolors and accents with Micron 005 - Arches 10" x 14" hot press 300g/m 140 lb. But hmm, looks rather like an owl - hoot hoot.

 fishing osprey

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sonja's Dog: Korean Folk Painting

Since I still haven't delivered Sonja's Minhwa (Korean traditional folk painting) dog painting to her, and because she said she wished she could paint her dog "smoking a pipe" and in other traditional Korean folk story motifs, I was intrigued to try a Korean folk-tale kind of painting. So I mixed up a bunch of Korean folk ideas and put them together for my friend who absolutely loves the traditional in Korea.

Folk ideas blended in this painting:
  • the rabbit in the moon -- the Korean folk view of the moon unlike the western concept of the 'man in the moon'
  • the beginning of a traditional Korean fairy tale is "A long time ago when tigers smoked pipes ..." and usually a pair of rabbits is serving the tiger -- animals are common features of Korean fairy tales, but the reason for coupling rabbits and a tiger in a fairy tale I don't know
  • tigers are often paired with magpies in folk paintings, I'm not sure why again, but do know that magpies by themselves are harbingers of good luck -- so magpies or rather crows get featured with the tiger substitute, the dog, and like the tiger that is painted comically with magpies or pairs of rabbits and wearing a hat, the dog is also comically painted with a hat
  • pine trees are symbols of the scholar and "uprightness" (correctness and Confucianism because of their typically straight appearance
Korean Folk Story Motifs